File No. 611.419/194
The Ambassador in Great Britain (Page) to the Secretary of State
No. 817]
January 29, 1915.
[Received February 10.]
Sir: Referring to my cablegram No. 1545 of
yesterday’s date,’ I have the honor to inform the Department that Mr.
Charles Henry Burr of Philadelphia who brought
me a letter of introduction from the Department and from Senator
Simmons of North Carolina,
and who has been in England for some time past on behalf of the Textile
Alliance of the United States, endeavoring to make an arrangement with
the British Government by which the embargo on wools could be raised, so
that merino and black-faced wool could be exported
[Page 666]
from Great Britain to the United States,
has spoken several times with me upon this subject, and has kept me
informed as to his negotiations. He states that he has been in close
communication with the British Board of Trade and other Government
bodies, and also with high officials at the Foreign Office and the
Mr. Burr yesterday informed me that he had concluded
with the Board of Trade a working arrangement through which he was
satisfied the exportation of the necessary quantities of wool could be
made to the United States. He left with me a copy of a form of
agreement, which is enclosed herewith, and stated that he was sailing
for America on the 30th instant, and would, upon arrival in Washington,
inform the Department of the further details in connection with this
Mr. Burr further informed me that he understands the
Foreign Office will advise me as soon as the arrangements are definitely
concluded, upon receipt of which information I will immediately cable
the Department.
I have [etc.]
[Enclosure 1]
The Directors of the Textile
Alliance, Inc., to the Board of
Gentlemen: On behalf of the Textile
Alliance, Inc., we, the undersigned directors, in recognition of the
trust reposed in us by yourselves and the Government of Great
Britain do pledge ourselves to the best of our power and ability to
carry out the following undertaking in respect of wool exported from
Great Britain into the United States and consigned to A. M.
Patterson, Esq., chairman of the Alliance or other the chairman of
the Alliance for the time being.
- 1.
- That neither the Textile Alliance nor any of its associated
bodies nor their members nor the owners of mills for whom the
wool is destined shall resell any wool so imported to any dealer
or other person or persons, but that such wool shall be used in
the mill or mills for their own manufacturing purposes
- 2.
- That no part of the wool nor any wool tops or yarn made
therefrom shall be reexported to any destination from the United
States of America.
- 3.
- That realizing that such imports might encourage the export of
American grown wool we will so far as lies in our power endeavor
to discourage the export of such wool.
- 4.
- That with the advice and consent of His Britannic Majesty’s
Ambassador at Washington we will take such measures with the
several purchasers and importers as shall best effectuate our
With appreciation of the confidence bestowed upon us, we are
[Enclosure 2]
The Secretary of the Board of
Trade to the Directors of the
Textile Alliance, Inc.
Gentlemen: I am directed by the Board of
Trade to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of . . . . . in
which you set out the arrangements you are prepared to make in
respect of wool exported from the United Kingdom to the United
States of America and consigned to the chairman of your
In reply I am to state that the board highly appreciate the action
which your Alliance are proposing to take and that they accept on
behalf of His Majesty’s Government the undertaking you have
Having regard to this undertaking the board will be prepared to
entertain applications for licences for the export of merino and
black-faced wool to the United States of America which are consigned
in the manner indicated in your letter.
It is of course understood that this arrangement must be regarded as
experimental and subject to revision at any time in the light of
experience of its working.
[Page 667]
It is also to be understood that the grant of licences must always be
subject to the necessities of consumers in the United Kingdom.
I am [etc.]