File No. 865.857An2/36

The Ambassador in Austria-Hungary (Penfield) to the Secretary of State


991. On the 19th sent note Minister for Foreign Affairs on subject Ancona in sense requested by you, with strong personal letter to Burian. Receiving no reply have to-day had long conference with him. Burian assures me has ordered full report from marine Section and when received will place it in my hands immediately. Expect report in day or two. Rest assured am doing all possible to hasten matter. Consensus of opinion here is that submarine was German-built but technically now Austrian. Cattaro believed to be operating base. Burian said he was positive Ancona did not halt when commanded to do so, and that most people were lost through condition of panic incident to Latin blood. Official Austro-Hungarian list 1914–15 gives twelve (U–1 to 12); first six in commission at outbreak of war, maximum length 43 meters, no guns. U–7 to 12 then building Kiel, length 70 meters, mounting quick-firers, caliber not given. U–12 officially reported sunk by Italians August 13 last.
