File No. 763.72112/1535
The Ambassador in Great Britain (Page) to the Secretary of State
[Received 7.30 p. m. ]
2744. Following is text of announcement of prize claims committee which appeared in the London Gazette of August 31 and which has been received by the Embassy to-day:
Whereas a committee has been instituted to receive and consider claims made by British, Allied, or neutral third parties against ships or cargoes which have been condemned or detained by orders of prize courts, and to recommend to what extent, in what manner, and on what terms, such claims should be met or provided for:
This is to give notice to all British, Allied, or neutral persons having any such claims against cargoes which have been or may be condemned or ordered to be detained by a prize court in the United Kingdom, Egypt, India, or in any of the colonies and protectorates, that any such claims should be sent, with all necessary particulars, to the secretary of the committee, Board of Trade, Whitehall Gardens, London, S. W., within three months of this date if the cargo has already been condemned or detained by an order of a prize court. If the cargo has not yet been dealt with by a prize court such application must be made within three months of the date of any order for condemnation or detention.
31st day of August, 1915.