File No. 763.72/2131

The German Ambassador (Bernstorff) to the Secretary of State

My Dear Mr. Secretary: After Mr. Chandler Anderson’s visit to me, of which he will have informed you, I thought it advisable to send the enclosed telegram to Berlin. If you agree, I beg you to be good enough to forward it as usual by wireless. Should you, however, wish to speak to me before the telegram goes, I will be at your disposal any moment.

Believe me [etc.]

J. Bernstorff

The German Ambassador (Bernstorff) to the German Minister of Foreign Affairs (Von Jagow)

168. With regard to the confidential negotiations which I hope soon to be able to take up with the American Government, it seems that the last paragraph of the American Frye note of 10th inst,1 contains a suggestion which may prove useful in the general negotiations concerning Lusitania and Arabic. I understand the suggestion so that we should refrain from attacking passenger ships without warning pending negotiations, which would put the burden on England to refrain from unlawful blockade pending negotiations. It does, however, not mean that we should give up the whole submarine warfare.

  1. Ante, p. 504.