File No. 841.857Ar1/2
The Vice Consul at Cork (Thompson) to the Secretary of State
[Received August 20, 1915, 8.15 a. m.]
Only 21 American passengers on Arabic according to list from Liverpool; checked up 16 survivors, may find more in morning. List has been sent. Statement of Mr. Zellah Covington:
Came up on deck from breakfast, was standing on starboard side looking at S. S. Dunsley which was sinking, having been torpedoed a few minutes before, when heard some one say, “Here it comes!” Then looked and saw the torpedo approaching about 300 yards away when noticed ship had changed her course and that the torpedo would either miss or strike well astern. It struck on starboard side astern about three feet below water line. Immediately ship had struck, captain ordered all passengers on deck. Boats were all swung out day before and equipped and provisioned in best manner, also all ropes and gear seen to and in perfect order. No panic, crew and passengers all orderly and work of getting boats out and life belts was a matter of only short time. Boats were in water about 4½ hours before rescue ships came in answer to wireless signal sent out at the time the torpedo struck. Will take my oath that no warning of any kind was given but that the ship was sunk deliberately and in cold blood.