File No. 763.72112/1468

The Chargé in Sweden (Caffery) to the Secretary of State

No. 309]

Sir: I have the honor to report that the Foreign Minister and officials of the Foreign Office take many occasions to impress me with the hardships which Swedish business men are undergoing on account of the acts of the British Government in interfering with trade between Sweden and America. They cite occasions when ships are forced to unload as many as four times during one voyage in different ports, on account of repeated seizures by different English vessels.

Mr. Wallenberg informs me that up to the present time the British prize courts have not handed down any decisions in any causes involving goods destined to Sweden, with the exception of one judgment regarding the requisition of copper, which the prize court was afterwards forced to rescind on account of the new British order in council.

There exists a scarcity of many articles which may be purchased in the United States and which are badly heeded here, as is the case with certain parts of machinery, rosin, and various food products. On account of the lack of rubber, it is not possible to purchase any automobile tires in Sweden.

[Page 510]

The Foreign Minister also states that he has been informed that it was the intention of the American Government to forward a protest to Great Britain on account of the undue interference with trade to Scandinavia by the British authorities. He expressed his deep interest in this matter and the hope that something might be done to alleviate present conditions.

I have [etc.]

Jefferson Caffery