File No. 763.72112/1289

The Consul General at London (Skinner) to the Secretary of State


Department’s 28th. In extension my 533,1 exports of cotton from United Kingdom from January 1 to June 17: 352,303 bales against 231,431 bales previous year, including 165,866 bales American cotton against 96,613 bales previous year, foregoing figures under cotton statistics act 1868. Board Trade figures January 1 to May 31 show exports cotton from United Kingdom 1,622,213 centals against 1,152,600 centals previous year, including 243,987 centals to Holland and 132,276 centals to Sweden against 14,191 and 15,747 respectively, previous year. Rice: Totals exported 1,466,307 hundredweights against 663,767 hundredweights previous year, including 769,363 to Cuba against 384,286 previous year, Coffee: Total exports, 329,332 hundredweights against 260,759 previous year, including 218,573 to Holland against 68,356 previous year.

Following figures cover total exports from United Kingdom of commodities named five months 1915 and 1914 respectively:

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1915 1914
Flour 284,194 cwts 97,063 cwts.
Barley 269,866 44,237
Corn 250,981 350,004
Frozen beef 260,557 75,130
Bacon 60,198 42,542
Lard 101,499 99,205
Condensed milk 7,230 2,169
Refined cocoanut oil 26,791 2,916
Raw cocoanut oil 71,404 7,099
Cotton oil 6,136 194
Cinnamon 584,825 pounds 198,087 pounds
Pepper 9,132,683 3,427,758
Unenumerated spices 3,992,587 2,411,839
Raw cocoa 20,551,986 7,293,973
Prepared cocoa 23,044 cwts 3,840 cwts
Apples 76,264 31,443
Indian tea 11,470,748 pounds 8,153,550 pounds
Included in Indian teas to European countries other than Russia 4,237,224 2,397,415
Total tea 25,944,535 pounds 22,642,930 pounds
Unmanufactured tobacco 3,423,366 1,607,378
Manufactured tobacco 365,162 153,980
Raw silk 30,935 11,466
Linseed 77,005 quarters 6,009 quarters
Oil nuts 55,385 tons 12,835 tons
Lamp oil 2,886,676 gallons 205,307 gallons
Motor spirit 2,865,526 101,883
Lubricating oils 1,025,439 439,632
Rosin 143,137 cwts 44,973 cwts
Bristles 1,063,882 pounds 865,624 pounds
Rubber 667,509 centals 553,864 centals
Seeds 40,618 cwts 8,386 cwts
Watch cases 302,244 pieces 253,461 pieces
Unbleached gray cotton piece goods 1,498,342 yards 185,655 yards
Quinine 98,313 ounces 47,028 ounces

Export of wool from United Kingdom to United States declined under embargo from 56,623,902 pounds in five months 1914 to 34,976,607 pounds in 1915 and licenses issued chiefly to enable American manufacturers to fill contracts for Allies; but while American manufacturers were thus handicapped, exports of woolen carpets of British manufacture to the United States composed of wool which American manufacturers seek in vain to import, increased from 191,800 square yards in 1914 to 212,900 square yards 1915. The licensing committees in this country are composed of active business men who advise Government on commercial questions and British exporters appear to have little difficulty in carrying on increasing business as shown in figures.

  1. Ante, p. 448.