File No. 763.72112/1149

The Consul General at London (Skinner) to the Secretary of State


Embassy’s 19th transmitting Foreign Office explanation delays.1

2. Cotton agreement loosely drawn neglects to deal question of demurrage and authorities have refrained from giving definite assurances on this important point.

3. Meat shipments were forwarded by quickest traders before British Government undertook to declare shipments “to order” contraband, and whereas Government has agreed to purchase Wilhelmina cargo avowedly shipped to Germany has temporized on meat products cases since November last, endeavoring by pressure to compel packers to agree to comprehensive control of world trade instead of dealing with case on merits and with no assurance that case will come to trial June 7. Port Hull congested, other valuable meats products rapidly deteriorating on lighters since months and Government refrains from offering any solution although repeatedly asked to do so. Government’s only answer to request for immediate [Page 406] compensation to ships for port expenses and like arising out of detentions frequently lasting weeks is to present claims in already congested prize court.

  1. Not printed.