File No. 462.11Se8/12
The Consul General at London (Skinner) to the Secretary of State
[Received 6.30 p. m.]
Department’s 23d. Cargo of William P. Frye sold by Trounson, Limited, through brokers, Alexander and Company, to Leetham, who sold to Figgis Brothers, Limited; Figgis sold to Hutchinson and Company, large millers of Liverpool. Edward Hutchinson states ship was consigned to Queenstown or Falmouth for orders. His intention was to order Frye to Liverpool or Barrow for conversion cargo into flour by his own firm. From moment of purchase cargo has remained in Hutchinson’s ownership at present price. Forbes and Company acting for underwriters hold bills of lading. No evidence whatever that cargo belongs directly or indirectly to. Government which purchases flour but not wheat. Final destination grain cargoes usually determined only when ship reaches port of call. Director army contracts informs me privately quite certain grain not bought or contracted for army account.