File No. 763.72112/614

Crossman and Sielcken to the Secretary of State

Sir: We are in receipt of the following cablegram from Mess. L. Paulsen and Company, Copenhagen, which we respectfully submit as requested by them:

Regarding English answer (to) Wilson’s note, tell Foreign Office (it is) no wonder exports (from) United States (to) Denmark (in) November (were) large, as (at) beginning (of the) war (there was) no business. Exports August September came together (in) November. All American goods formerly shipped via German ports come now direct. All grain, oil cake, formerly imported from Germany (and) Russia now (come) from United States. Danish statistics 1914 show smaller from all countries import to Denmark in 1914 than 1913.

[Page 308]

The parenthetical insertions are made by ourselves to make Mess. Paulsen’s meaning clearer.


Crossman and Sielcken