File No. 763.72112/2024

The Minister in Sweden (Morris) to the Secretary of State

No. 491]

Sir: With reference to my despatch No. 4891 of November 24, 1915, regarding the monopoly of traffic passing through Sweden in transit to England and Russia, I have the honor to transmit herewith a statement made by the Swedish Foreign Office in regard to this matter.

I have [etc.]

Ira N. Morris

The Government and the Transito Company

In consequence of reports that the founders of the Transito Company had acted in conjunction with the Swedish Government, the Swedish Foreign Office has made the following statement:

His excellency Mr. Wallenberg regretted very much that the papers should have made any statements before inquiring about the actual state of affairs. [Page 286] He wished to have it understood that the Government had not authorized any firm or agents to take charge of transportation, and had not given its approval of any possible arrangements that might be made between the English and Russian governments and the Transito Company. There had been no negotiations between the Swedish Foreign Office and the director of the company.

  1. See following page.