File No. 341.115M83/11
The Acting Secretary of State to the Minister in the Netherlands (Van Dyke)
167. Morris and Company have shipped from Chicago thirty carloads boxed meats, grease, oleo oil, oleostearine, and neutral lard for Rotterdam for sailing June 1, consigned to the Netherlands Oversea Trust Company. Steamship lines refuse to accept, stating Oversea Trust had cabled that large unsold stocks in Rotterdam prohibited them from accepting further shipments of anything except short fatbacks. Thirty cars still in New York at great expense. They claim no large stocks of unsold goods in Rotterdam for them and insist on right to do business with neutral country. Other shipment of five cars oleo oil, neutral lard, and boxed meats at New Orleans under same conditions.
See Oversea Trust and vigorously endeavor to secure permission to consign these goods to trust and secure instructions from theme to Holland-America Line to accept shipment.