File No. 763.72112/1967
The Ambassador in Great Britain (Page) to the Secretary of State
[Received 8.30 p. m.]
3337. My despatches 2119, September 8,1 and 2586, November 23.2
Foreign office advises me, regarding desire American firms to import goods of Belgian origin, that in several cases submitted to Foreign Office, conditions imposed by British Government have not been fully complied with and suggests that delay will be saved if revised conditions of British Government, under which these goods may be exported, be made public for information of importing firms.
To the Foreign Office circular form enclosed in my 2119, the following paragraph is added, together with a footnote:
[Page 268]If, however, Messrs...... are unable to deposit the purchase money in advance, it will be sufficient if they deposit with a bank in this country the documents covering the sale and shipment of the goods.* In this case a written guarantee from the bank must be produced that they will collect the purchase money against the documents and will retain it during the continuance of the occupation of Belgium by the enemy and, upon issue of the permit, the documents should be delivered to His Majesty’s consular officer at the port of shipment for transmission to the bank named.
* A declaration or statement by the manufacturers legalized by a Belgian authority is not sufficient. The certificate must be issued directly by such authority on their own responsibility.
Original of revised form transmitted to Department in my 2586.1