File No. 763.72112/1615

The Ambassador in Great Britain (Page) to the Secretary of State


2852. Your 2151, 22.1 Sir Edward Grey assents to your request that all applications by American importers for permits to import from neutral European ports goods of German or Austrian origin shall be made to the British Embassy in Washington through trade advisers acting informally, and the British Government will receive no more such applications here. Sir Edward is very glad that all this business will hereafter be done in Washington. He is also requesting by telegraph his Ambassador in Washington to instruct the Department or its trade advisers concerning the method in which such applications should be made. The only American attorneys that I know yet to be in London on this business are Bride and Barrington. I am informing them that no new cases can be presented here. Bride’s partner in New York last week accepted a few cases from clients, and the papers are now on the way to Bride and are expected in the mail due here on Monday. Bride wishes to present these cases since they were accepted by his partner before the prohibition went into effect. The British Government will receive them if you so instruct me.

American Ambassador
  1. Not printed.