File No. 855.48/162
The Ambassador in France (Sharp) to the Secretary of State
[Received 6 p. m.]
502. Hoover, of London, chairman Commission for Relief in Belgium, wires me to request French Foreign Office to permit delivery of cargo maize bought by it of French firm from Argentina for use of starving civilian people in Belgium, including a great many French, within the German lines. Assurance given that not any such shipments for use by Germans who have scrupulously observed their agreement that no foodstuffs shipped by that organization shall be used by them. Despatch states English Government has been fully [Page 1028] convinced of the strict observance of such arrangements and has manifested sympathy in this humane work through its own permission to allow British shippers to deliver such foodstuffs. Matter urgent as cargo in question will be in demurrage soon. Shall I present matter to Foreign Office?