File No. 367.116/317

The Ambassador in Turkey (Morgenthau) to the Secretary of State


533. After my repeated and urgent requests Council of Ministers finally decided to further postpone the enforcement of the new instructions as regards foreign educational institutions until new school year next September. They made it a condition however that the local directors of public instruction be notified at once by each school of its responsible director. I conferred with the presidents of Robert [Page 954] and Girls Colleges and Peet, all of whom consider the condition demanded as reasonable and decided to comply with it. Peet is telegraphing to-day to all missionary stations and colleges to comply with it also. I am leaving it entirely to the missions and colleges to decide for themselves what course to adopt and I have in no way committed our Government in the matter. During this period of suspension Ottoman authorities agree not to claim taxes and to leave institutions unmolested. Peet, Gates, and Patrick deem this postponement a great victory as they and the directors of other institutions feared necessity of closing institutions rather than complying with the instructions as they are at present. I intend requesting presidents of all American colleges and representatives of all missions to meet at Constantinople in July to confer together and arrive at some definite understanding with Minister of Public Instruction as to changes to be made in proposed new instructions. Please inform Dodge, Crane, Barton, and others interested in institutions.

American Ambassador