File No. 701.6211/360c
The Secretary of State to the German Ambassador (Bernstorff)
Excellency: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your excellency’s note of the 10th instant, notifying me that His Majesty the Emperor and King has been pleased to recall Captain Boy-Ed, the naval attaché, and Captain von Papen, the military attaché, of the Imperial German Embassy, pursuant to this Government’s request of the 4th instant.
In accordance with your excellency’s wishes, I have had the honor to request of the powers at war with the German Empire safeconducts for these gentlemen and their servants, Gustav Winkow and Otto Mahlow. Upon the receipt of notice that His Majesty the Emperor and King has designated the successors of these gentlemen and after the Government of the United States has decided upon their acceptability, it will be my pleasure to request the powers at war with the German Empire to provide safe-conducts for their passage to the United States.
Accept [etc.]