File No. 701.6211/332

The German Ambassador (Bernstorff) to the Secretary of State

J. Nr. A 7921]

My Dear Mr. Secretary: As I do not wish to trouble you by a visit on Sunday, I beg to inform you by letter that I have just received instructions from my Government concerning your request for the recall of Captains Boy-Ed and Von Papen.

The Imperial Government considers that it was entitled to expect that the American Government would refrain from publication of its request until the German Government had been given an opportunity to be heard from. The Imperial Government regrets that the American Government should have neglected this courtesy which is customary between friendly nations.

Before my Government answers the request of the American Government, the Imperial Government wishes to know for its information which facts have induced the American Government to ask for the recall of the two attachés.

I remain [etc.]

J. Bernstorff