File No. 701.6211/343

The German Ambassador (Bernstorff) to the Secretary of State

J. Nr. A 7808]

My Dear Mr. Secretary: With reference to our conversation of this morning, I should be very much obliged if you would have the enclosed radiogram sent to Berlin immediately.

I should also be very much obliged if you could see your way to publish the request for recall of Captains Boy-Ed and Papen in such a way that it is made clear that I am not involved. Otherwise the attacks of our enemies against me will continue and make any useful work on my part impossible.

With many thanks in advance, I remain [etc.]

J. Bernstorff
[Page 948]

The German Ambassador (Bernstorff) to the German Foreign Office

Secretary of State Lansing requested recall of Captains Boy-Ed and Papen whom both American Government considers personae ingratae on account of their naval and military activities. I asked Secretary of State whether I was involved which he positively denied, saying that this was not a political case with which the Embassy as such had anything to do. Secretary of State will do his best to get safe-conduct for both attachés. Please send instructions by radiogram also as to whether I am to ask safe-conduct for successors, which may influence decision of our enemies with regard to safe-conduct of Boy-Ed and Papen. American Government will publish this request for recall in few days.

Count Bernstorff