File No. 125.0055/5

The Ambassador in Germany (Gerard) to the Secretary of State

No. 664]

Sir: With reference to the Department’s telegram No. 1044, dated January 21, 4 p. m. [6 p. m.], the substance of which was duly communicated to the Imperial Foreign Office, I have the honor to transmit to you herewith a copy in translation of the reply of the Foreign Office, dated March 9, 1915, on the subject of the consular representation of the United States in Belgium.

I have [etc.]

James W. Gerard

The German Foreign Office to the American Embassy

No. I c.2709/30300

Note Verbale

The Foreign Office has the honor to convey its best thanks to the Embassy of the United States of America for the statement communicated with the esteemed note verbale of January 25, 1915, F. O. No. 2002.

The Foreign Office gladly takes the opportunity expressly to confirm that no objections are raised to the American consular representatives now stationed at Antwerp and Liége. These two officials have succeeded under the trying conditions of the present time in establishing the most agreeable official relations with the authorities of occupation.

[Page 921]

Mr. Watts, the Consul General at Brussels, is on leave of absence, and it would appear that he is not to return to his post. Should the Government of the United States propose to fill this post again, this intention would agree with the wishes of the Imperial Government and the military authorities in Belgium.

Although Ghent is still within the zone of military operations, and official consular activity there would therefore appear not to be desirable as yet, the Foreign Office would like to state at this time that no objections on personal grounds will be raised against Mr. Jansen [Johnson], the Consul of the United States at that place.