File No. 763.72111/2042
The British Ambassador (Spring Rice) to the Secretary of State
[Received April 21.]
My Dear Mr. Secretary: With further reference to your letter of April 16 I beg to advise you of the result of the enquiries I have made in regard to the reported action of the British crusier Suffolk in communicating with the shore through tugs and by radiotelegraphy with other vessels. The Admiral informs me that strict regard is being paid to the neutrality of the United States. The only incident which may have given rise to the report is that in which, on one occasion, an outward-bound merchant vessel handed a gift of newspapers to H.M.S. Suffolk’s boat. The British Vice Consul at Norfolk has made extensive enquiries by my instructions and has failed to trace any other instance where there has been communication with the Suffolk.
The Admiral states categorically that no communication of any kind by wireless telegraphy has passed between the Suffolk and any other merchant vessel, or the shore.
I trust this report will satisfy the United States authorities that scrupulous care is being taken to observe the obligations of international law.
I am [etc.]