File No. 763.72111K92/—
The German Ambassador (Bernstorff) to the Secretary of State
[Received April 13.]
Mr. Secretary of State: In continuation of my note of the 11th instant1 I have the honor to inform your excellency that H.M.S. Kronprinz Wilhelm would like to land at Newport News 61 persons belonging to the crews of enemy vessels sunk by her.
The ship further stands in urgent need of repairs to restore her seaworthiness and has to replenish her supply of coal and provisions. The commander has asked me to procure for him permission to undergo the aforesaid necessary repairs at the Newport News shipyard and announced that the extent and time of the repairs could only be made known upon the completion of the survey now on foot.
In compliance with the request of the commander of H.M.S. Kronprinz Wilhelm , I beg your excellency to take the necessary measures and in particular to allow the ship to stay at Newport News beyond the 24 hours prescribed by law in accordance with Article 14 of the thirteenth convention of the Second Conference of The Hague of October 18, 1907.
Accept [etc.]
- Not printed.↩