File No. 763.72119/103

The Minister in Switzerland (Stovall) to the Secretary of State


268. The Government having been interpellated yesterday in the Swiss Parliament here as to its intentions to intervene in favor of peace, Federal Councilor Hoffmann, the Secretary of State, responded in a written declaration. While expressing the ardent sympathy which Swiss people feel towards their neighbors in the cruel war which rages in its vicinity, and the sincere desire of peace which animates them, Mr. Hoffmann declares that the Federal Council does not care to intervene in favor of peace until the desire for peace is manifest in belligerent states themselves. Actually all overtures in favor of peace would be considered by these nations now as an indiscreet and even unfriendly act; so far from advancing the cause of peace, it could only do it harm. Mr. Hoffmann declared besides that the Federal Council would follow with care the course of [events] and would be happy if in the future Switzerland could by its sympathies with the belligerent states, and without departing from its neutrality, contribute its mite in the noble cause of peace. Please communicate foregoing to the President and to Colonel House.
