File No. 841.711/131
The Swedish Minister (Ekengren) to the Secretary of State
Sir: Referring to my note of the 17th instant, relative to 300 sacks of parcel post from this country to Sweden, recently seized by the British authorities at Kirkwall,1 I have the honor to state that his excellency the Minister for Foreign Affairs has instructed me, in a cablegram dated the 17th instant, to bring to your excellency’s knowledge that the British authorities at Kirkwall on the 16th instant seized 58 sacks of parcel post from the S. S. Stockholm, destined to the United States from Sweden.
Further I have the honor to state that the Royal Government on account of this has lodged a protest with the British Government, and has also issued an order to the Royal Postmaster General to detain, for the present, articles that, per parcel post, pass through Sweden in transit, either to or from England.
As the mail sacks taken from the S. S. Hellig Olav were sealed by the United States postal seal, Mr. Wallenberg finally directs me to suggest to your excellency that representations in the matter be made at London by the United States Government, in order to prevent a repetition of this act.
With renewed assurances [etc.]
- Not printed.↩