File No. 763.72112/1979
The Postmaster General (Burleson) to the Secretary of State
Sir: Referring to letter of your Department of the 30th ultimo,1 I have the honor to inform you that suspension of the parcel-post service to Germany, Austria and Hungary became necessary because the requisite transportation facilities were no longer available.
International parcel post is provided for under separate agreements between nations. Under such agreements parcel-post mails were exchanged direct between the United States and the countries above named prior to the outbreak of the European war. After the war began, when direct steamship service ceased between the United States and those countries, arrangement was made with the postal administration of the Netherlands for continuation of the parcel-post service to Germany, Austria and Hungary by the Holland-America Line through Rotterdam. This route is not now available and there is no other route by which parcel mails for Germany, Austria and Hungary can be sent at present.
The Department is making every effort, however, to provide for the resumption of the service, and if resumption of service can be arranged, appropriate announcement respecting the matter will be made at the earliest date possible.
By direction of the Postmaster General.
Very respectfully,
Second Assistant Postmaster General
- Not printed.↩