123 F 63/151: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Mexico (Fletcher)

145. Your 76, April 10, 7 p. m.49 You may attend the festivities in connection with the inauguration of President-elect Carranza.

In felicitating General Carranza, you will be careful to say or do nothing that would indicate a recognition of his government as de jure in character.

Everything should be done to hold the confidence and friendship of Carranza at this time. Although it may be impossible to accept those provisions of the new constitution which are in contravention of the international obligations of Mexico, it is desired for reasons of high policy not to force an issue on these questions. They will be met when they arise.

The Department relies upon your every effort to prevent matters of vital military importance coming to a head, in particular as regards the withdrawal of United States ships of war now in Mexican waters.

  1. Not printed.