Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, The Lansing Papers, 1914–1920, Volume II

Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, The Lansing Papers, 1914–1920, Volume II
- J.S. Beddie
General Editor:
- Cyril Wynne
- E. Wilder Spaulding
- E.R. Perkins
United States Government Printing Office
- Contents
- List of papers
- The World War: participation of the United States (Documents 1–147)
- Russia (Documents 148–223)
- The Far East (Documents 224–280)
- Japanese in the United States (Documents 224–228)
- Attitude of the United States toward foreign influence in China (Documents 229–260)
- The Lansing-Ishii negotiations (Documents 261–278)
- Shantung (Documents 279–280)
- Japanese in the United States (Documents 224–228)
- Latin America (Documents 281–414)
- The Monroe Doctrine (Documents 281–285)
- The Proposed Pan-American Treaty
(Documents 286–321)
- Purchase of the Danish West Indies (Documents 322–339)
- Colombia (Documents 340–346)
- Costa Rica (Documents 347–353)
- Haiti (Documents 354–358)
- Mexico (Documents 359–414)
- The Monroe Doctrine (Documents 281–285)
- Index