The Secretary of State to President Wilson
My Dear Mr. President: I had a long talk this morning with the deposed President of Costa Rica3 who was introduced by his Minister. He made upon me a most favorable impression as a man of high motives and real patriotism.
The causes of the rebellion appear to be chiefly two, the avarice of Tinoco and his family and the opposition of certain interests to the numerous reforms in taxation and fiscal matters which the President supported and carried through. He appears to have been a real progressive in his ideas and sought to give the poorer classes a [Page 519] better chance than they have had before. He told me that the hostility of the privileged rich and the ignorance of the poor were the immediate cause of his overthrow together with the great confidence which he had placed in the loyalty of Tinoco.
I told him that we would not recognize Tinoco or any government growing out of the revolution and that privileges or concessions granted by such government would not be supported by this Government. He seemed very much pleased by this statement, and said that he was very grateful as a Costa Rican but he was strongly opposed to any intervention on our part. He did not seek to be reseated as President; all he wished was the restoration of constitutional government. If that could be done without him he was entirely satisfied.
Following your expressed willingness to see the President I asked Mr. Phillips to arrange a time when he could call upon you. I will be interested to know if he makes upon you the same favorable impression which he made upon me.
Faithfully yours,
- Señor Alfredo González Flores.↩