725.3211/44: Telegram

The Chargé in Uruguay (Schoenfeld) to the Secretary of State

Minister for Foreign Affairs has made confidential inquiry of me as to what would be the attitude of the United States towards Uruguay’s associating herself with the A. B. C. combination. Uruguayan Government while assuming that the A. B. C. in its present form is countenanced and inspired by the United States desires to act in harmony with the wishes of the United States in this matter. If A. B. C. is inspired in desire to work with United States in development of common Pan-American policy Uruguay believes such policy should be directed on the basis of equality of American states [Page 480] fitted to participate and would wish to enter. If A. B. C. contemplates acting as counterpoise to influence of the United States or has in view only the immediate interests of the constituent powers Uruguay would continue to pursue its entirely independent policy in cooperation with the United States.

In view of the forthcoming visit of Brazilian Minister for Foreign Affairs here and his meeting with Argentine and Chile Foreign Ministers at Buenos Aires next month Uruguayan Government considers its situation somewhat difficult. I am reliably informed that Argentine Minister here has informally sounded Minister for Foreign Affairs as to whether he would desire to go to Buenos Aires for the meeting. If the United States approves Uruguayan Minister for Foreign Affairs would probably attend meeting and give his Government’s adherence to A. B. C. Expression of our attitude is desired in order to enable Uruguayan Government more intelligently to shape its policy before the beginning of May.

Brazilian Minister for Foreign Affairs will be met at the frontier by the President of Uruguay and Minister for Foreign Affairs about May 7th. He will remain in Uruguay until May 18th and go from here to Buenos Aires and Santiago returning to Buenos Aires with Chilean Minister for Foreign Affairs for meeting of the three Ministers. Original occasion of visit of Brazilian Minister for Foreign Affairs to the Uruguayan boundary is celebration of completed delimitation of the line and out of this grew extension of itinerary.
