The Secretary of State to President Wilson
My Dear Mr. President: I send you a flimsy of a despatch just received from Santiago.4 The Chilean Ambassador notified me yesterday afternoon that he had received an answer from his Government which he would be able to submit Monday. He said that it was in the nature of a counter proposition and I think eliminates [Page 476] the guaranty of territorial integrity and the guaranty of republican government.
He also said that he understood from Mr. House that the plan would not be presented to the other countries unless it had the approval of the three large countries—Brazil, Argentine and Chile to whom Mr. House confided the plan. The Chilean Ambassador also gathered the idea that the chief purpose was to have the South American countries join in the Monroe Doctrine and he did not seem favorably inclined to the idea of protecting each South American country against other South American countries.
The flimsy presents Chile’s proposals in regard to the settlement of disputes between Chile and Peru. I wonder if it would not be well to take up this subject with Peru and see if any progress can be made toward settlement.
With assurances [etc.]
- Not printed.↩