The Secretary of State to
President Wilson
November 24, 1915
My Dear Mr. President: I enclose a memorandum
covering the subject of the Monroe Doctrine, its application, and the
possible extension of the principle in a way to constitute a policy
which may be termed a “Carribean Policy”, since it is limited in
application to the territory in and about the Carribean Sea.
Briefly, the memorandum is this:
The Monroe Doctrine is based on the theory that any extension by a
European power of political control, beyond that which exists over any
territory in this hemisphere, is a menace to the national safety of the
United States. The means of extending political control, thus far
recognized, has been by occupation of unattached territory, by conquest
and by cession.
Recently the financing of revolutions and corruption of governments of
the smaller republics by European capitalists have frequently thrown the
control of these governments into the hands of a European power.
To avoid this danger of European political control by this means which
may be as great a menace to the national safety of this country
[Page 467]
as occupation or cession, the
only method seems to be to establish a stable and honest government and
to prevent the revenues of the republic from becoming the prize of
revolution and of the foreigners who finance it.
Stability and honesty of government depend on sufficient force to resist
revolutions and on sufficient control over the revenues and over the
development of the resources to prevent official graft and dishonest
grants of privileges.
The possession of the Panama Canal and its defense have in a measure
given to the territories in and about the Carribean Sea a new importance
from the standpoint of our national safety. It is vital to the interests
of this country that European political domination should in no way be
extended over these regions. As it happens within this area lie the
small republics of America which have been and to an extent still are
the prey of revolutionists, of corrupt governments, and of predatory
Because of this state of affairs our national safety, in my opinion,
requires that the United States should intervene and aid in the
establishment and maintenance of a stable and honest government, if no
other way seems possible to attain that end.
I make no argument on the ground of the benefit which would result to the
peoples of these republics by the adoption of this policy. That they
would be the chief beneficiaries in that their public and private rights
would be respected, and their prosperity and intellectual development
insured, is manifest. Nevertheless the argument based on humanitarian
purpose does not appeal to me, even though it might be justly urged,
because too many international crimes have been committed in the name of
It seems to me that the ground of national safety, the conservation of
national interests, is the one which should be advanced in support of
this policy. It is reasonable, practical, and in full accord with the
principle of the Monroe Doctrine.
In considering this policy it should be borne in mind what has been done
already in Cuba, Panama, Nicaragua, the Dominican Republic and Haiti,
and what may have to be done in the small neighboring republics. The
Danish West Indies and the colonial possessions of other European
nations in the Carribean should not be forgotten in considering this
policy as through a change of their sovereignty they might become a
serious menace to the interests of the United States.
Faithfully yours,
[Page 468]
Present Nature and Extent of the Monroe
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
This is not perhaps attempted openly at first but the result is the
same though more subtly attained. In a large proportion of the
instances to which the United States has felt called upon to apply
the Monroe Doctrine the acts complained of have been direct
political acts of a European Government, as, for example, the
invasion of Mexico by France during the Civil War; British
interposition in the boundary question of Venezuela; the offer of
Italy to purchase the Island of St. Bartholomew in 1870; the
attempts of Spain to reannex Santo Domingo and other former Spanish
possessions in America. There have however been some instances of
interference for the purpose of satisfying claims of foreign
subjects, as, for example, the French claims based on Mexican bonds;
and Spanish claims against Mexico of various sorts; and the French,
German, British and Italian claims, including claims based on war
damage and on Government contracts, but it does not appear that the
United States protested against drastic action by these Governments
on the ground of the Monroe doctrine, but, on the contrary, used its
good offices to effect an amicable settlement. As a protest against
the forcible collection of contract debts, Drago advanced the
doctrine bearing his name. Now it is to political action growing out
of investments in the Carribean countries that I make particular
reference. The purchase of Government securities upon which payments
of interest and sinking funds are defaulted, and the development of
a concession, perhaps obtained in return for financing a revolution,
which is infringed or annulled, open the offending Government to
claims to the foreign bond holders or concessionaires who enlist the
aid of their Governments.
Thus the European power, whose subjects supply the capital to install
and operate the principal industries of a small American republic
and furnish the funds upon which its government is dependent, may,
if it finds it expedient to do so, dominate the political action of
the weak and bankrupt government. To state it in another way, a
European power whose subjects own the public debt of an American
state and have invested large amounts of capital, would be able to
control the government of the state almost as completely as if it
had acquired sovereign rights over the territory through occupation,
conquest or cession.
[Page 469]
The method of obtaining political mastery by means of financial
control has been an increasing menace to the independence of the
republics situated in or about the Carribean Sea. Revolutions have
been frequent, due in the majority of cases to the desire of a
factional leader by becoming master of the nation’s revenues to
amass wealth for himself and his immediate friends. A revolutionary
chief finds little difficulty in financing his venture among foreign
speculators in exchange for concessions or other privileges and the
chance of large profits which will be theirs if the revolution is
successful. As a result the people of these countries are the
victims of constant strife between rival leaders, and their
condition is little improved by the governments, which exist only a
short time and which are used to enrich their rulers and those who
have financed them.
The corrupt character of the rulers, and the powerful influence of
foreign financiers who have aided the rulers in obtaining and will
aid them in maintaining control, tends toward instability of
Government in these same republics and not only threaten their
national independence but prevents the people from developing
intellectually or from attaining any degree of prosperity.
The United States in any circumstances would be desirous as a friend
of an American republic, which is suffering from this state of
affairs, to aid it in removing the cause. But in the case of the
Carribean republics self-interest as well as friendship appeals.
Since the construction of the Panama Canal it is essential for its
safety that the neighboring nations should not come under the
political domination of any European power either directly by force
or by cession or indirectly through the agency of financial control
by its subjects. While force and cession are not impossible means if
the government of a republic is corrupt or weak, the greater danger
lies in the subtlety of financial control.
To meet this danger the surest if not the only means, is the
establishment of a stable and honest government which will devote
the revenues of the state to defraying its just obligations, to
developing its resources, and to educating its people, and which
will protect individuals in their rights of life, liberty and
property, and in the enjoyment of their political rights.
In order to accomplish this the first thing to be done is to remove
the prize of revolution, namely, the control of the public revenues.
If this can be done there will be few revolutions about the
Carribean. In the second place the government must not be dependent
on foreign financiers for its continuance in power. In the third
place it must
[Page 470]
possess a
reliable and efficient military force sufficient to suppress
insurrection against the established authority.
If there could arise in all the Carribean republics men of strong
character, patriotic and honest, as there have in some, who are able
to carry out such a policy, it would be well for all concerned.
Unfortunately this is not the case, and the United States is of
necessity forced to choose between permitting these republics to
continue to be the prey of unscrupulous adventurers native and
foreign, or to undertake the task of aiding in the establishment of
a stable and honest government, upon principles which will insure
political independence and prevent any possibility of European
It would seem, therefore, that in the case of the republics about the
Carribean Sea the United States should expand the application of the
Monroe Doctrine, and declare as a definite Carribean policy that,
while it does not seek dominion over the territory of any of these
republics, it is necessary for the national safety of the United
States, and particularly in view of its interests on the Isthmus of
Panama, that it aid the people of those republics in establishing
and maintaining responsible and honest governments to such extent as
may be necessary in each particular case, and that it will not
tolerate control over or interference with the political or
financial affairs of these republics by any European power or its
nationals or permit the occupation, even temporarily, by a European
power, of any territory of such republics.