I fear Mr. Stevens is assuming an authority and giving the Commission a
diplomatic character which neither possess. I call your particular attention
to the portion of the address marked in red,24 by which
he pledges the United States to do certain things,
a pledge he had no power to make.
The pledge having been given I think that it would be unwise to repudiate it
as the Russian people and Russian Government might misconstrue any
repudiation of the Commission’s promise. At the same time it would seem
advisable I think for Stevens to be told, preferably by you as the
Commission is not a diplomatic one, that he has no authority to carry on
negotiations or enter into agreements for the United States.
Message to the People of Russia From the United States
Railway Advisory Commission25
The United States Railway Advisory Commission is accredited by the State
Department of the United States to its ally Russia. The object of the
Commission is, as has been stated, to advise with and to assist in every
practicable way in the handling of the grave transportation problems
which the war against a common enemy has thrust upon the railways of
Russia. It seems fitting that upon this, the anniversary of our natal
day of Independence, this Commission should convey to the people of
Russia a message declaring not only its purpose but also something as to
what it has accomplished and which it is believed will cheer the nation
and convince it that the United States stands shoulder to shoulder with
its great ally in the prosecution to a successful conclusion of the war
against the venomous enemy of democratic freedom.
The Commission has been in Russia about five weeks. During this time it
has met with the officials of the Russian Railways and has discussed
fully and freely the various problems confronting the railways. It has
been met everywhere and at all times with the utmost spirit of
cordiality and cooperation on the part of those officials. It has found,
what was no surprise to it, that as masters of technique the Russian
railway officials have no superiors in the world. It has found that in
many ways their practices are among the best and that from a basic
standpoint the Russian railways are intrinsically sound—backed as they
are by the enormous latent resources and the vast population of this
wonderful country. At the same time, it believes that a judicious
mingling of the best Russian and American railway practices will be of
great benefit to the railways of Russia, and in this belief your
officials are in hearty accord and have given their approval to the
following suggestions made by this Commission.
An improved system of train operation, a better divisional organization,
whereby closer supervision can be maintained, and a revision of engine
runs whereby a greater capacity of each engine and car can be obtained,
resulting in an improvement in the movement of traffic. The construction
of locomotive erecting shops at Vladivostok where the immense number of
locomotives coming from the United States can be erected and put into
service much more speedily than has been the practice heretofore.
The working day and night of all locomotive repair shops so that the
great number of out of repair locomotives may be reduced and
[Page 341]
that they may be put into
service where they are so urgently needed. That the “per diem” rate, or
charges of one railway against another for the use of cars, be doubled,
and that also the charge for holding cars for loading or unloading be
doubled. This to insure prompt handling and release of cars in a
reasonable time. That a Supply Department under a General Storekeeper be
installed, who shall be responsible for the maintenance and distribution
of the vast amount of material and supplies needed for the operation and
maintenance of the roads, the duties of such officer to include the
reclamation of worn material and the reissuing of such as may be found
But the great imperative immediate necessity which confronts the railways
of Russia to enable them not only to maintain its armies at the front,
but also to support in comfort its civil population, who equally with
its soldiers are fighting the great battle for freedom, is a great
increase in the number of locomotives and freight cars. On this point
the Commission are entirely in accord with the railway officials and
with the Russian people. To the end that this absolutely necessary want
shall be supplied as quickly as can be done, this Commission has cabled
the Administration at Washington advising the immediate construction of
2500 locomotives and 40,000 freight cars to be added to the equipment of
the Russian railways. This means, of course, an extension of credit by
the United States to Russia of some 750,000,000 millions [sic] of roubles. This matter has no commercial
aspect for the Commission has pledged what to it is dearer than family
or life itself, the good faith and honor of its country.
The Commission has under further consideration the furnishing of raw
material, tools and shop machinery to any extent that may be found
advisable after careful consideration with the Russian officials, and
stands ready to aid [with] its advice and counsel in any and all matters
it may be requested.
In closing it desires to express its hearty appreciation of the aid given
it by the efficient Minister of Ways of Communication and his staff of
able assistants. It knows that in their hands the future of the Russian
railways is secure and it believes with the aid and material assistance
which the United States is giving to its great Ally, that Russia will
continue to sustain its part in the desperate struggle for freedom which
is now convulsing the World.
The United States Railway Advisory
Commission to Russia
4 July, 1917