File No. 4832/31–32.

The Acting Secretary of State to the Brazilian Ambassador.

No. 61.]

Excellency: I have the honor to inclose, with the request that you will be good enough to transmit them to Mr. John Brewer, who is acting as custodian of the archives of the American Legation at Caracas, for the legation’s files, a copy of the note of June 20, 1908, by which the Brazilian minister at Caracas informed the Venezuelan Government that he would have charge of American interests in Venezuela during the suspension of diplomatic relations between the United States and Venezuela, and a copy of the Venezuelan Government’s reply thereto under date of June 22, 1908.

I beg to request that you will inform Mr. Brewer that his consular functions have been suspended, and that he will regard himself as merely custodian of the archives under the friendly supervision of the Brazilian representative.

I trust that there may be no inconvenience in displaying the Brazilian flag over the American Legation building, if it should become necessary or desirable to display a flag.

Accept, etc.,

Alvey A. Adee.
[Inclosure 1.—Translation.]

The Brazilian Chargé to the Venezuelan Minister for Foreign Affairs.

Mr. Minister: I have the honor to inform your excellency that the chargé d’affaires of the United States of America having advised me in a note dated [Page 827] to-day that he has requested his passports from the Government, I have this day assumed charge of American interests during the rupture of friendly relations between the two countries I have also been intrusted with the protection and care of the archives and of the American Legation building which have been placed until further orders under the charge of the American consular agent, Mr. John Brewer, who will continue to reside in the aforesaid building.

In the name of my Government I express to your excellency its great regret at this event and its most ardent wish to see the present difficulties amicably arranged in the briefest possible time.

I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to your excellency, etc.

Luiz R. de Lorena Ferreira.
[Inclosure 2.—Translation.]

The Venezuelan Minister for Foreign Affairs to the Brazilian Chargé.

No. 731.]

Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your honor’s polite note of the 20th instant, and referring to its contents, which have also been communicated to this office by the Hon Jacob Sleeper, chargé d’affaires ad interim of the United States of America, in a letter of the same date, my Government takes note of the fact that the interests, property, and archives of the American Legation in Caracas have been placed under your honor’s charge I thank your honor in the name of the Government of Venezuela for the wishes which you express in regard thereto.

I avail myself, etc.,

Jose de J. Paul.