Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, With the Annual Message of the President Transmitted to Congress December 8, 1908

Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, With the Annual Message of the President Transmitted to Congress December 8, 1908
United States Government Printing Office
- Message
- List of papers with subjects of correspondence
- Correspondence.
Circulars. (Documents 1–5)- Expatriation and protection of Americans in China. (Document 1)
- Amendment to Rule (A), to overcome the presumption of expatriation. (Document 2)
- Third Pan-American Conference Conventions. (Document 3)
- Death of Hon. Grover Cleveland. (Document 4)
- Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition. (Document 5)
- Expatriation and protection of Americans in China. (Document 1)
- Argentine Republic (Documents 6–14)
- Austria-Hungary (Documents 15–30)
- Expulsion of Selig Fink From Austria (Documents 15–20)
- Renunciation of American citizenship by persons desirous to secure
Hungarian citizenship (Documents 21–22)
- Sixtieth anniversary of the reign of the Emperor of Austria-Hungary (Documents 23–25)
- Restrictions on American meats imported into Austria (Documents 26–29)
- Annexation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Document 30)
- Expulsion of Selig Fink From Austria (Documents 15–20)
- Belgium (Document 31)
- Commercial treaty between Belgium and Servia (Document 31)
- Commercial treaty between Belgium and Servia (Document 31)
- Bolivia (Documents 32–34)
- Election of Sr. Fernando E. Guachalla as President of Bolivia (Documents 32–33)
- Death of Señor. Fernando E. Guachalla, President-elect of Bolivia (Document 34)
- Election of Sr. Fernando E. Guachalla as President of Bolivia (Documents 32–33)
- Brazil (Documents 35–43)
- Message of the President of Brazil to the Brazilian Congress (Document 35)
- Preferential tariff concessions in favor of American products (Documents 36–40)
- Boundary and navigation agreements between Brazil and Colombia (Document 41)
- Arbitration treaty between Brazil and the Argentine Republic (Document 42)
- Treaty between Brazil and the Netherlands regarding the boundary between
Surinam and Brazil (Document 43)
- Message of the President of Brazil to the Brazilian Congress (Document 35)
- Bulgaria (Documents 44–45)
- Proclamation of independence of Bulgaria (Documents 44–45)
- Proclamation of independence of Bulgaria (Documents 44–45)
- Chile (Documents 46–52)
- Message of the President of Chile to the Chilean Congress (Document 46)
- Protection of Chinese in Chile and Ecuador (Documents 47–52)
- Message of the President of Chile to the Chilean Congress (Document 46)
- China (Documents 53–191)
- Payment of the Chinese Indemnity—Return by the United States of a portion
of its allotment (Documents 53–65)
- Joint international commission for the investigation of the opium question
in the Far East (Documents 66–123)
- Death of the Emperor and Empress Dowager of China, and the succession of
Emperor Pu-yi to the throne (Documents 124–139)
- Regulations for the international settlement at Wuhu (Documents 140–143)
- The customs in Manchuria (Documents 144–146)
- Extradition of Horace G. McKinley granted by the Chinese Government as an
act of comity (Documents 147–155)
- Imposition of taxes or duties on American goods by inland Chinese
authorities in addition to those prescribed by treaty (Documents 156–160)
- Chinese indemnity for losses on account of riots in Shanghai, December 18,
1905 (Documents 161–171)
- Mining regulations in China (Documents 172–178)
- Political reforms in China (Documents 179–183)
- Railways in China (Documents 184–191)
- Payment of the Chinese Indemnity—Return by the United States of a portion
of its allotment (Documents 53–65)
- Colombia (Documents 192–197)
- Protection afforded Swiss citizens in Colombia by the American
Legation (Documents 192–193)
- Convention between Colombia and Spain regarding the reciprocal recognition
of judgments (Document 194)
- Arbitration treaty between Colombia and France (Documents 195–196)
- Treaties of Colombia with certain other countries (Document 197)
- Protection afforded Swiss citizens in Colombia by the American
Legation (Documents 192–193)
- Costa Rica (Documents 198–205)
- Cuba (Documents 206–216)
- Death of ex-President Palma, of Cuba (Documents 206–209)
- Election of Jose Miguel Gomez as President of Cuba (Documents 210–213)
- Extradition procedure (Documents 214–215)
- Sanitation of Cuban cities (Document 216)
- Death of ex-President Palma, of Cuba (Documents 206–209)
- Denmark (Documents 217–218)
- Issuance of emergency passports (Documents 217–218)
- Issuance of emergency passports (Documents 217–218)
- Dominican Republic (Documents 219–222)
- Election of Gen. Ramon Caceres as President of the Dominican
Republic (Documents 219–220)
- Message of the President of the Dominican Republic to the Dominican
Congress (Document 221)
- Constitution of the Dominican Republic (Document 222)
- Election of Gen. Ramon Caceres as President of the Dominican
Republic (Documents 219–220)
- Ecuador (Documents 223–234)
- Arbitration of the difficulty between the Ecuadorian Government and the
Guayaquil & Quito Railway Co., an American corporation (Documents 223–225)
- Completion of the Guayaquil-Quito Railway (Documents 226–230)
- Message of the President of Ecuador to the Ecuadorian Congress (Document 231)
- Sanitation of Guayaquil (Documents 232–234)
- Arbitration of the difficulty between the Ecuadorian Government and the
Guayaquil & Quito Railway Co., an American corporation (Documents 223–225)
- France (Documents 235–254)
- Commercial agreement between the United States and France (Documents 235–249)
- Additional Commercial Agreement, Signed at Washington, January 28,
1908 (Documents 250–251)
- Arbitration convention between the United States and France (Document 252)
- Agreement between the United States and other powers for the repression of
the trade in white women (Document 253)
- Declaration by the Governments of Great Britain, Denmark, France, Germany,
the Netherlands and Sweden on the subject of the maintenance of the status
quo in the territories bordering upon the North Sea (Document 254)
- Commercial agreement between the United States and France (Documents 235–249)
- Germany (Documents 255–309)
- Death of Baron von Sternberg, German Ambassador to the United
States (Documents 255–260)
- Application to other countries of the administrative provisions of the
commercial agreement between the United States and Germany (Documents 261–283)
- Denmark (Documents 261–264)
- Japan (Documents 265–267)
- The Netherlands (Documents 268–273)
- Russia (Documents 274–278)
- Spain (Documents 279–283)
- Denmark (Documents 261–264)
- Extradition of Paul O. Stensland from Morocco (Documents 284–286)
- Shooting of Frank Xavier Dick, a German subject, by a policeman at Salem,
Oregon (Documents 287–294)
- Marriage of American citizens in Germany or on German territory (Documents 295–296)
- Expulsion of Morman missionaries from Germany (Documents 297–299)
- Military service case of Joseph Mayer (Documents 300–303)
- Military service case of Carlos Stoetzel (Documents 304–307)
- Extension of the provisions of the naturalization treaties between the
United States and Germany to Alsace-Lorraine (Documents 308–309)
- Death of Baron von Sternberg, German Ambassador to the United
States (Documents 255–260)
- Great Britain (Documents 310–315)
- Agreement effected by exchange of notes between the United States and
Great Britain relating to Newfoundland fisheries, Signed at London, July
15–23, 1908 (Documents 310–311)
- Treaty between the United States and Great Britain relating to fisheries
in the waters of the United States and Canada (Document 312)
- Arbitration convention between the United States and Great Britain (Document 313)
- Treaty between the United States and Great Britain relating to the
Canadian international boundary (Document 314)
- Treaty between the United States and Great Britain providing for
reciprocal rights for the United States and Canada in the matters of
conveyance of prisoners and wrecking and salvage (Document 315)
- Agreement effected by exchange of notes between the United States and
Great Britain relating to Newfoundland fisheries, Signed at London, July
15–23, 1908 (Documents 310–311)
- Greece (Documents 316–318)
- Illegal immigration of Greeks into the United States (Documents 316–318)
- Illegal immigration of Greeks into the United States (Documents 316–318)
- Guatemala (Documents 319–360)
- Completion of the Interoceanic Railway of Guatemala (Documents 319–329)
- Special mission of the minister for foreign affairs of Guatemala to the
United States (Documents 330–331)
- Outrage on George Milliken and Simon Shine, American citizens, in
Guatemala (Documents 332–344)
- Inauguration of the International Central American Bureau (Documents 345–360)
- Completion of the Interoceanic Railway of Guatemala (Documents 319–329)
- Haiti (Documents 361–413)
- Revolution in Haiti (Documents 361–406)
- Refusal of the Haitian Government to permit the landing of American
travelers at Haitian ports (Documents 407–410)
- Fees exacted from Americans for permits to leave Haiti (Documents 411–413)
- Revolution in Haiti (Documents 361–406)
- Honduras (Documents 414–454)
- Cancellation of the exequators of the American consul and vice consul at
Ceiba, Honduras, by the Honduranean Government (Documents 414–430)
- Extradition of William Adler et al. from Honduras (Documents 431–437)
- Detention of the “Goldsboro” and Extradition of Francis G. Bailey, Albert
W. Bailey, Alfred Oxley, and Herbert H. Meyers from Honduras (Documents 438–454)
- Cancellation of the exequators of the American consul and vice consul at
Ceiba, Honduras, by the Honduranean Government (Documents 414–430)
- Italy (Documents 455–477)
- Identification requested by Italian postal authorities (Documents 455–456)
- Convention between the United States and other countries for the creation
of an International Institute of Agriculture (Document 457)
- Punishment of Italians in Italy for extraditable crimes committed in the
United States (Documents 458–462)
- Destruction of tobacco belonging to the Italian Government (Documents 463–467)
- Arrangement between the United States and other powers for the
establishment of the International Office of Public Health (Document 468)
- Earthquake in southern Italy (Documents 469–477)
- Identification requested by Italian postal authorities (Documents 455–456)
- Japan (Documents 478–511)
- Agreement between Japan and China relating to the Yalu Forest (Document 478)
- Arbitration convention between the United States and Japan (Document 479)
- Explosion on the Japanese war vessel Matsushima (Documents 480–485)
- Treaty of Amity, Commerce, and Navigation Between the Empire of Japan and
the Colombian Republic (Document 486)
- Far Eastern policy of Japan and the United States and Japan (Documents 487–488)
- Extradition of Yoshitaro Abe, a Japanese subject, from Japan to
Hawaii (Documents 489–495)
- The Tokyo Exposition (Documents 496–502)
- Treaty between the United States and Japan providing for the protection of
trade-marks, etc., in Korea (Document 503)
- Treaty between the United States and Japan providing for the protection of
trade-marks, etc., in China (Document 504)
- Protection of foreign trade-marks and copyrights in China and Korea (Documents 505–511)
- Agreement between Japan and China relating to the Yalu Forest (Document 478)
- Kongo (Documents 512–563)
- Investigation of affairs in the Kongo (Documents 512–563)
- Investigation of affairs in the Kongo (Documents 512–563)
- Mexico (Documents 564–586)
- Interpretation of Article X of the extradition treaty between the United
States and Mexico (Documents 564–566)
- Extradition of George Deering Reed to Mexico (Documents 567–575)
- Messages of the President of Mexico to the Mexican Congress (Documents 576–577)
- Claim of owners of Mexican steamship Tabasqueno (Documents 578–584)
- Convention between the United States and other powers concerning literary
and artistic copyrights (Document 585)
- Arbitration convention between the United States and Mexico (Document 586)
- Interpretation of Article X of the extradition treaty between the United
States and Mexico (Documents 564–566)
- Morocco (Documents 587–624)
- International commission for the adjustment of damages growing out of the
disorders at Casablanca (Documents 587–600)
- Acquisition of property for American missionaries in Morocco and rental of
a house in Moorish quarter of Mequinez (Documents 601–605)
- Recognition of Mulai Hafid as Sultan of Morocco (Documents 606–624)
- International commission for the adjustment of damages growing out of the
disorders at Casablanca (Documents 587–600)
- Netherlands (Documents 625–628)
- Commercial agreement between the United States and the Netherlands under
sec. 3, tariff act, July 24, 1897 (Documents 625–626)
- Status of Morman missionaries (Documents 627–628)
- Commercial agreement between the United States and the Netherlands under
sec. 3, tariff act, July 24, 1897 (Documents 625–626)
- Nicaragua (Document 629)
- Protection of Chinese interests in Nicaragua (Document 629)
- Protection of Chinese interests in Nicaragua (Document 629)
- Norway (Document 630)
- Arbitration convention with the United States and Norway (Document 630)
- Arbitration convention with the United States and Norway (Document 630)
- Panama (Documents 631–656)
- Election and inauguration of Don José Domingo de Obaldia as President of
Panama (Documents 631–642)
- Commission for the appraisement and settlement of damages to property in
the Panama Canal Zone, under Article VI of the treaty of 1903, between the
United States and Panama (Documents 643–652)
- Jurisdiction over waters of Manzanillo Bay (Documents 653–656)
- Election and inauguration of Don José Domingo de Obaldia as President of
Panama (Documents 631–642)
- Persia (Documents 657–658)
- Murder of Rev. Benjamin W. Labaree (Documents 657–658)
- Murder of Rev. Benjamin W. Labaree (Documents 657–658)
- Peru (Documents 659–663)
- Message of the President of Peru (Document 659)
- Election and inauguration of Señor Don Augusto B. Leguia as President of
Peru (Documents 660–663)
- Message of the President of Peru (Document 659)
- Portugal (Documents 664–683)
- Assassination of the King and Crown Prince of Portugal and the accession
of King Manuel the Second to the Throne (Documents 664–679)
- Extradition convention between the United States and Portugal and exchange
of notes concerning the death penalty (Documents 680–681)
- Naturalization treaty between the United States and Portugal (Document 682)
- Arbitration convention between the United States and Portugal (Document 683)
- Assassination of the King and Crown Prince of Portugal and the accession
of King Manuel the Second to the Throne (Documents 664–679)
- Russia (Document 684)
- Declaration re Baltic Sea (Document 684)
- Declaration re Baltic Sea (Document 684)
- Salvador (Documents 685–688)
- Flying of foreign flags in Salvador (Document 685)
- Decree relating to treaties, status of foreigners, etc (Documents 686–687)
- Naturalization convention between the United States and Salvador (Document 688)
- Flying of foreign flags in Salvador (Document 685)
- San Marino (Document 689)
- Siam (Document 690)
- Spain (Documents 691–693)
- Adhesion of Spain to the Declaration of Paris of 1856 (Document 691)
- Arbitration convention between the United States and Spain (Document 692)
- Extradition treaty and protocol between the United States and Spain (Document 693)
- Adhesion of Spain to the Declaration of Paris of 1856 (Document 691)
- Sweden (Documents 694–695)
- Speech of King Gustav V at the opening of the Riksdag (Document 694)
- Arbitration convention between the United States and Sweden (Document 695)
- Speech of King Gustav V at the opening of the Riksdag (Document 694)
- Switzerland (Documents 696–697)
- Turkey (Documents 698–723)
- Right of American citizens to prosecute claims against the Government of
Turkey in the courts of the country (Documents 698–699)
- Status of residents of Turkey who claim to be naturalized American
citizens (Document 700)
- Political reforms in Turkey—proclamation of the constitution (Documents 701–717)
- Removal of restrictions on the sale of the Bible and other books,
typewriters, etc (Documents 718–720)
- Removal of restrictions on the emigration of the wives and minor children
of naturalized citizens of Ottoman origin (Documents 721–723)
- Right of American citizens to prosecute claims against the Government of
Turkey in the courts of the country (Documents 698–699)
- Uruguay and Paraguay (Documents 724–728)
- Revolution in Paraguay (Documents 724–727)
- Extradition treaty between the United States and Uruguay (Document 728)
- Revolution in Paraguay (Documents 724–727)
- Venezuela (Documents 729–757)
- Severing of diplomatic relations between the United States and
Venezuela (Documents 729–757)
- Severing of diplomatic relations between the United States and
Venezuela (Documents 729–757)
- Index