File No. 4832/8.
The Secretary of State to the Brazilian Ambassador.
Washington, June 13, 1908.
Excellency: With a high sense of appreciation of the friendly courtesy on the part of the Brazilian Government, I have the honor to make formal acknowledgment of the willingness of that Government, made known to me by your personal note of the 11th instant, to take charge of American interests in Venezuela upon the withdrawal of the American diplomatic representatives from that country.
The final determination on the part of the United States to close its legation at Caracas having been reached, I beg to inclose herewith a copy of a telegram1 which will this day be sent to the chargé d’affaires ad interim of the United States at that capital, and to request that you will repeat it to your Government in order that corresponding instructions shall be given to the Brazilian chargé d’affaires at Caracas to take charge of the archives, property, and interests of the United States in Venezuela in accordance with the consent so kindly given.
Accept, etc.,
- Supra.↩