The Acting Secretary of State to Minister Russell.


When the Government of Venezuela pays the first installment due the United States on the awards of the mixed commission of 1903, you will write a note to the minister of foreign affairs embodying the following language: “My Government instructs me in accepting the first installment of money due from Venezuela on account of the awards of the mixed commission of 1903 to make the following statement: My Government insists upon a revision of the award in the case of the Orinoco Steamship Co Pending final settlement of this question no portion of any moneys which may be paid by Venezuela will be considered as paid on account of or applicable to that award As to the case of the Orinoco Co (Ltd.), however, my Government does not share the view of the Government of Venezuela that the acceptance of the sum awarded in this case is inconsistent with the position of the United States as set forth in my memorandum of March 30 and my notes of July 9 and August 13.” Referring to your dispatch No 229, of August 28, department on August 26 sent you an official list of the American claims You will be governed by that list, subject to the instructions contained in this cable as to the Orinoco Steamship Co and the Orinoco Co (Ltd.).
