Minister Russell to
the Secretary of State.
American Legation,
Caracas, August 24,
No. 228.]
Sir: Referring to my cable of the 22d instant,
which is confirmed in a separate dispatch, I have the honor to inclose
you herewith copies of the latest correspondence between this legation
and the Venezuelan foreign office in regard to the five pending cases in
which American citizens claim redress from the Government of
I have, etc.,
[Page 812]
[Inclosure 1.]
Minister Russell to the Minister for
Foreign Affairs.
American Legation,
Caracas, August 13,
Mr. Minister: Referring to my
communications of March 30 and July 9, 1907, in regard to the five
pending cases in which American citizens claim redress from the
Government of Venezuela, and to your excellency’s answers thereto of
April 23 and July 24, 1907, acting under instructions from my
Government, I now have the honor to expressly and formally propose
to your excellency’s Government that the claims against Venezuela in
respect to the above-mentioned cases be submitted to arbitration
before the permanent court of arbitration at The Hague, or, if
Venezuela shall prefer, before a tribunal of three jurists not
members of The Hague tribunal, to be selected in the usual
Trusting that I may be favored with a reply at your excellency’s
earliest convenience, I take this opportunity, etc.,
The Minister for Foreign
Affairs to Minister Russell.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
Caracas, August 20,
Mr. Minister: Referring to your
excellency’s communication of the 13th of the present month, and of
the contents of which I informed the President of the Republic, in
accordance with his instructions, I have the honor to answer your
excellency that the Government of Venezuela adheres wholly to its
position as expressed in the memorandum of April 23 and in the note
of July 24 of the present year, in answer to the memorandum of March
30 and to your note of July 9 last.
I avail, etc.,