File No. 11513/34.
The Portuguese Minister to the Secretary of State.
Washington, March 7, 1908.
Sir: When Parliament meets at Lisbon next month a fitting response will no doubt be made to the motions voted by the Senate and the House of Representatives of the United States with reference to the dastardly outrage which resulted in the death of my late lamented sovereign, His Majesty Dom Carlos I, and of His Royal Highness Crown Prince Dom Luiz Philippe.
In the meantime I have received instructions from his excellency the minister for foreign affairs to present to those august assemblies the very sincere thanks of His Majesty the King, my gracious sovereign, and of the Portuguese Government for their kindly action in connection with that sad event.
In order to carry out these instructions I venture, sir, to have recourse to your unfailing courtesy in the hope that you will be good enough to convey to the Senate and to the House of Representatives of the United States this expression of His Majesty’s and the Government’s sentiments.
I avail, etc.,