File No. 13329/6–7.

Ambassador O’Brien to the Secretary of State.

No. 314.]

Sir: Referring further to my dispatch No. 309 of the 2d instant, I have the honor to inclose herewith a copy of a note this moment [Page 507] received from the minister for foreign affairs. This communication has reference to the sympathy of the President and Government of the United States, which you directed me to express in your cable message of the 1st instant.

I have, etc.,

T. J. O’Brien.

The Minister for Foreign Affairs to Ambassador O’Brien.

Monsieur l’Ambassadeur: In acknowledging receipt of your excellency’s note No. 105, dated the second instant, informing me to the effect that you have received a cablegram from the Secretary of State asking you to convey the sympathy of the President and Government of the United States with the Japanese Government in the disaster of H. I. J. M. S. Matsushima, I have the honor to tender my sincere thanks on behalf of the Imperial Government for the above courtesy, with the request that the same be transmitted to the proper authorities, and also to express my profound thanks for your own kind sympathy in the matter.

I avail, etc.,

Count Hayashi.