File No. 13329/4–5.

Ambassador O’Brien to the Secretary of State.

No. 309.]

Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of the department’s telegram of the 1st instant,1 and to inclose herewith copy of note which I to-day personally handed to the minister for foreign affairs concerning the matter. Count Hayashi, in the course of the interview which I had with him, begged me to transmit to the department the Japanese Government’s deep appreciation and thanks for the message of sympathy.

I have, etc.,

T. J. O’Brien.

Ambassador O’Brien to the Minister for Foreign Affairs.

No. 105.]

Monsieur le Ministre: I am this moment in receipt of a cablegram from the Secretary of State asking me to convey the sympathy of the President and Government of the United States with the Japanese Government in the terrible disaster resulting from the explosion on the Matsushima. In performing this office, I desire to give expression to my own sincere regret for the sad occurrence and my genuine sympathy with those to whom it has brought loss and sorrow.

I avail, etc.,

T. J. O’Brien.
  1. Supra.