File No. 7357/294.
Minister Dodge to the Secretary of State.
San Salvador, July 28, 1908.
Sir: Referring to my dispatch No. 30, Honduranean series, of the 21st instant, I have the honor to inform you that I received a telegram to-day from Mr. Alger, American consul at Tegucigalpa, advising me that the Government of Honduras had canceled the exequaturs of both the American counsul and vice consul at La Ceiba as well as that of the French consular agent at that place. Mr. Alger did not state that any reason had been given by the Honduranean Government for this measure, but I presume that it was taken in consequence of the recent action of the consular corps, which is mentioned in the telegram from Mr. Linard, American consul at La Ceiba, quoted in my dispatch above referred to, in which he also states that he has advised the department of the facts. I immediately informed you of the foregoing by telegraph, also advising Mr. Linard at the same time, from whom I have as yet heard nothing as to the cancellation of his exequatur.
[Page 458]In my dispatch No. 30, I mentioned a communication I had addressed to Mr. Fiallos, Honduranean minister for foreign affairs, requesting him to investigate this incident at La Ceiba and the alleged inimical attitude of the local authorities and to see that all proper measures were taken to insure full protection to American interests and proper respect for the American consul. I also mentioned that I immediately received a reply to this request stating that the matter would be investigated, that meanwhile American interests were in no danger, that consuls would have proper respect shown to them, adding, unofficially, that if the charges made against the consuls were proved their exequaturs would be canceled. I have since then received a further reply to my communication from the President of Honduras, in which the President states that he will severely reprimand the commandant at La Ceiba as to the alleged instigation of feeling against foreigners and consuls, but that at the same time he is convinced that the action of the consuls was incorrect.
As it seemed important that someone should take charge immediately of the consulate at La Ceiba, and as according to paragraph No. 196 of the “Instructions to the Diplomatic Officers,” this duty appeared to devolve upon me, I immediately telegraphed to Mr. Brickwood, American consul at Puerto Cortes, inquiring whether Mr. Greely, American vice consul at Puerto Cortes, would consent to take charge temporarily of the consulate at La Ceiba as vice consul, if this should be desired. Mr. Greely appeared to be suitable for this duty and moreover could reach La Ceiba without loss of time. Upon receiving Mr. Greely’s reply I shall telegraph to you suggesting his appointment as vice consul at La Ceiba temporarily.
I have, etc.