File No. 2126/80.
Minister Furniss to the Secretary of State.
Port au Prince, February 5, 1908.
Reports conveying department’s cable instructions of the 3d to the Haitian minister for foreign affairs and explaining the observations as to revolutionary refugees. Mr. Furniss says he deems it both impossible and unnecessary at the present moment to have the refugees at Gonaives and Port de Paix brought to Port au Prince and has informed the minister for foreign affairs that the refugees are to be considered as under the legation’s protection, to which Haitian Government agrees pending settlement of the questions at issue.
Mr. Furniss urges the department to await dispatches upon the subject of entering into an agreement with Haiti relative to giving up the refugees for trial before acting positively. States that the minister for foreign affairs has informed him that the three British and the Cuban in the consular agency at Gonaives have been ordered expelled, which is satisfactory to the British and Cuban representatives. Adds that the Eagle left on Monday.