File No. 2126/88–89.

Minister Furniss to the Secretary of State.

No. 286.]

Sir: I have the honor to inclose herewith the acknowledgment by the Haitian Government of the protest which I sent under date of the 17th instant, against the bombardment of St. Marc, copy of which I inclosed in my No. 278 of the 17th instant.

I have, etc.,

H. W. Furniss.

The Minister for Foreign Affairs to Minister Furniss.

Mr. Minister: Your note of yesterday’s date informs me that you have reasons to believe that the Haitian Government proposes to bombard St. Marc, at present occupied by revolutionists.

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In that regard, you think it opportune to call my attention to the fact that there are American citizens with large commercial interests in that city; you declare that you are informed that that city is not fortified; you wish to protest against the bombardment that may cause injury to persons as well as to the properties of these Americans, and that further, the Haitian Government would be held responsible for those injuries.

I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of that communication to which it is necessary that I make the most expressive reserves. I think it my duty, besides, to remark that it is imperiously incumbent on the Government to restore order; consequently it is resolved to take all the measures authorized by the usages of war; it is none the less decided to make all efforts to reconcile its duty to restore peace in the troubled districts with its anxiety to safeguard and protect as far as possible, the lives of inoffensive persons and the interests of foreigners in general.

I take occasion to reiterate to you, etc.,

H. Pauleus Sannon.