File No. 821/42–43.

Ambassador Francis to the Secretary of State.

No. 520.]

Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your No. 217, dated April 29, relative to the subject of restrictions on American meats in Austria and Hungary, and inclosing copy of a letter from the Secretary of Agriculture calling attention to the efficient law and regulations which the American Government has regarding the inspection of meat and meat food products entering into interstate or foreign commerce.

[Page 36]

Following the instructions of the department, I shall to-day bring this matter again to the notice of the Imperial and Royal Government in the sense of Secretary Wilson’s letter (copy of note inclosed).

I am, etc.,

Charles S. Francis.

Ambassador Francis to the Minister for Foreign Affairs.

F. O. No. 174.]

Your Excellency: Supplementing my previous correspondence with your excellency on the subject of the restrictions now enforced on the introduction of American meats into Austria and Hungary, I have the honor to submit to your excellency copies of publications recently issued by the United States Department of Agriculture relative to the Federal Meat Inspection Service and Regulations Governing the Meat Inspection of the United States Department of Agriculture.

A perusal of the efficient law and regulations which the American Government now has regarding the inspection of meat and food products to be exported taken with the assurance that such law and regulations are strictly enforced, would indicate the absolute protection to foreign countries of the importation within their boundaries from the United States of meats and meat products which are not wholesome.

Trusting that, through the friendly offices of your excellency, this subject may be duly presented at an early date to the Governments of Austria and Hungary, I embrace this opportunity, etc.,

Charles S. Francis.