File No. 821/41.
The Secretary of State to
Ambassador Francis.
Department of State,
Washington, April 29,
No. 217.]
Sir: Referring to previous correspondence on
the subject of restrictions on American meats in Austria and Hungary, I
inclose here
[Page 35]
with copy of a
letter from the Secretary of Agriculture calling attention to the
efficient law and regulations which this Government has regarding the
inspection of meat, and meat food products entering into interstate or
foreign commerce.
The department feels that it will be proper to bring again this matter to
the notice of the Government to which you are accredited. You are
therefore instructed to take appropriate action, in the sense of
Secretary Wilson’s letter.
I am, etc.,
The Secretary of
Agriculture to the Secretary of
Department of Agriculture,
Washington, April 8,
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the
receipt of your letters of the 18th and 24th ultimo, inclosing
translation of notes received from Ambassador Francis, of Vienna. It
would seem from the tone of these letters that no representations
that this Government could make would be acceptable to
Austria-Hungary. However, it would probably be advisable again to
call attention to the efficient law and regulations which this
Government has regarding the importation of meat and meat food
products which enter into interstate or foreign commerce, and to
assure them that this law and the regulations are strictly
A copy of these regulations is inclosed herewith, together with an
article on meat inspection by the Chief of the Bureau of Animal
Industry, which explains in detail the method of conducting the
inspection from the time of the slaughter of the animals.
The inspection of pork for trichinae has never been general in this
country and was only made for such pork products as were destined to
certain foreign countries, including Germany and Austria-Hungary. In
the case of Germany this pork was reinspected again after its
arrival, and it was considered unnecessary that it should be
inspected both in this country and Germany. This inspection when
carried out under the most favorable conditions is not thoroughly
efficient, as some meat affected with trichinae to a slight degree
may not be detected. Records obtained in Germany and elsewhere prove
this assertion. There can be no danger, however, from pork when
thoroughly cured, such as would be prepared for export.
There can be objection on the part of this country to submitting pork
from the United States to such inspection after its arrival at a
foreign port, providing this rule is applied to all other
I have the honor, etc.,