
The Acting Secretary of State to the Netherlands Chargé.

No. 184.]

Sir: Referring to your legation’s notes of January 7 and February 13 last, regarding your Government’s desire for the extension to it of certain provisions of the commercial ageement recently concluded between the United States and Germany, I have the honor to say that the Acting Secretary of the Treasury informs the department, under date of the 17th instant, that customs officers will be instructed in the next issue of the Treasury Decisions that the provisions of point F of the note of the Secretary of State annexed to the agreement with Germany have been extended to the chambers of commerce and factories of the Netherlands.

The Acting Secretary of the Treasury also states that his department perceives no objection to placing your Government in a position to profit, in the matter of Treasury special agents, by the clauses under letter E in the above-mentioned note of the Secretary of State; and upon the Treasury Department’s recommendation that steps be taken to accredit to the Netherlands Government Mr. Oscar Gottschalk, its confidential agent at Cologne, the minister at The Hague has this day been instructed to bring this information to the knowledge of Her Majesty’s Government, to the end that Mr. Gottschalk may be accredited thereto in accordance with point E of the note referred to.

Accept, etc.

Robert Bacon.