
The Acting Secretary of State to Minister Hill.

No. 148.]

Sir: I inclose herewith a copy of a letter from the Acting Secretary of the Treasury, stating that customs officers will be instructed that the provisions of point F of the note of the Secretary of State, dated April 22, 1907, addressed to the German ambassador at this capital and made a part of the commercial agreement between the United States and Germany of April 22–May 2 last have been extended to the factories and chambers of commerce of the Netherlands.

The Acting Secretary further states that his department has no objection to having the Netherlands placed on the same footing as Germany as regards the accrediting to foreign governments of confidential agents of the Treasury Department. The legation of the Netherlands at this capital has requested that this be done; and the Treasury Department recommends that steps be taken to accredit to the Netherlands Government Mr. Oscar Gottschalk, its confidential agent at Cologne.

You are requested to bring this information to the knowledge of the foreign office to the end that Mr. Gottschalk be accredited to the Netherlands Government in accordance with point E of the above-mentioned note of the Secretary of State.

I am, etc.,

Robert Bacon.

The Acting Secretary of the Treasury to the Secretary of State.

Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your letter of the 11th instant transmitting a translation of the decree of the Government of the Netherlands of May 4, 1896, relative to the establishment of chambers of commerce and factories.

Referring to previous correspondence, I have to state that customs officers will be instructed in the next issue of the Treasury Decisions that the provisions of point F of the diplomatic note annexed to the agreement with Germany have been extended to the chambers of commerce and factories of the Netherlands.

[Page 347]

I perceive no objection to the granting of the request of the minister of the Netherlands that the provisions of point E of the said note also be extended to his country, and I recommend that the proper steps be taken to have Mr. Oscar Gottschalk, confidential agent of this department stationed at Cologne, accredited to the Netherlands Government also.


L. A. Coolidge.