File No. 6775/111.

The President of Mexico to President Roosevelt.


With great satisfaction I have received your telegram in which you include a draft of a telegram from yourself to the Presidents of the five American Republics, adjuring them to avoid the war which appears to be imminent between some of them, and to resort to peaceful means, such as a conference, for the settlement of their differences.

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You are so good as to say to me that you are prepared to send that telegram if I deem it appropriate and am disposed to take a similar step.

In reply I have great pleasure in saying to you that your draft telegram appears to me incapable of improvement, and that I am about to telegraph, day after to-morrow, to the five Central American Presidents substantially in terms identical with those you employ, being confident that you will do the same forthwith, and that your valuable mediation, will have sufficient weight to accomplish the laudable end which we both seek.

Porfirio Diaz.