File No. 6775/57.
The Honduranean Minister to the Secretary of State.
Washington D. C.,, August 18, 1907.
Sir: I have been instructed by my Government to solicit of the American Government the support necessary for the maintenance of the neutrality of Honduras in the possible war that is now expected to take place between Salvador and Nicaragua.
On thus applying to Your Execellency to that end and complying with my instructions aforesaid, I take the liberty of saying to you that, owing to its geographical situation between the two countries, Honduras is threatened with a violation of its territory by either party attempting to cross into the other’s territory; that it has notified both of its intention to remain neutral in the conflict and of its purpose to maintain the soverignty of the country and prevent the transit of military forces over its territory; that the Mexican Government recognized the Government of Honduras on the 10th instant, and both before and after the recognition tendered its support in the cause of the neutrality of my country, and that my Government believes that the joint action of both the American and Mexican Governments would be most effective in carrying out its programme of peace.
At the same time, the Government of Honduras, in concert with the Mexican Government, has entered upon negotiations with the Governments of Salvador and Nicaragua with a view to bringing about an honorable and satisfactory settlement of the pending questions; and those negotiations would have more weight and would more likely be attended with success if my Government was adequately secured in regard to its neutrality.
Knowing as I do the fraternal sentiments of the United States toward our countries and its desire that peace, which is so necessary to their progress and development, shall be maintained among them, I am confident that your Government will appreciate the attitude assumed by mine and will aid it in its sound purpose of averting a war of such incalculable portent to Central America.
Although the Government of Honduras has not yet been officially recognized by the Government of the United States, I believe that the fulfillment of the requisites for such a recognition and the urgency of the circumstances confronting it justify me in addressing Your Excellency, as I now do, and in begging you to return on this subject a reply that I may forward without delay.
With assurances, etc.,