File No. 4500/41–42.

Ambassador Thompson to the Secretary of State.

No. 843.]

Sir: Referring to my dispatch No. 837, of the 15th instant, I acknowledge the receipt of your telegram of yesterday’s date on the [Page 846] subject of the reciprocal advantages required by Mexico contingent to granting permission for the American Government to station two coaling barges in Magdalena Bay, as follows:a

A copy of my note which was sent to the foreign office on receipt of of the above telegram is inclosed herewith. This note was addressed to Mr. Algara, subsecretary for foreign affairs, who is at present in charge of that department, Mr. Mariscal being ill and away from the city.

I have, etc.,

D. E. Thompson.

Ambassador Thompson to the Subsecretary for Foreign Affairs of Mexico.

Mr. Subsecretary: Referring to the note of your department of November 16, on the subject of the privilege desired by my Government of stationing coaling barges in Magdalena Bay, all of which was telegraphed to Washington by Mr. Coolidge:

I now have a telegram from Mr. Root in which he regrets deeply that action has not before been taken on this telegram, he having been under the impression that it had been acted upon until the receipt of my telegram of Saturday, the 14th instant.

I am instructed to say to the Government of Mexico that it is the intention of the American Government regarding reciprocity for the supply of Mexican war vessels, that they can remain stationed in American waters during the same period for which that privilege is accorded to the vessels of the United States in pursuance of our request.

In other words, the Government of the United States will grant to Mexico, in the event that such privileges are desired, the same that Mexico is asked to grant to the American Government in the way of privileges to American coaling vessels in Mexican waters.

The delay in answering your department’s note of November 16, reported to Washington by telegraph, seems to have been caused by referring the matter to the Navy Department, where an unexpected delay occurred.

I avail, etc.,

D. E. Thompson.
  1. Not printed.